Like most everybody else, I like to have an inkling of what's going on in the world. I'm not a CNN fanatic, nor do I buy a copy of STAR or The National Enquirer when I'm checking out at the grocery store. I am happy to know just enough to keep me in the loop and be somewhat conversational -- if only to be able to ask, "Yeah, I saw something about that ... what's it all about?" (sometimes a good social strategy if you're trying to make conversation but really don't have a clue -- let the other person do the talking and be the knowledgable one ...)
But every now and then I glance at the entertainment module headlines that splash across my Google reader and my mouth drops. I mean ... seriously ... how stupid can these people be?
* Paris Hilton pleas guilty to a lesser charge to get out of a felony cocaine conviction. With all the legal troubles this girl has had and all the privileges that her family's fame and fortune have provided her, does she really need cocaine? And after getting detained for questioning about pot and who knows what else just a month or so ago, is she really stupid enough to have cocaine (and that much) on her person? And not for nothing, did she really think the cops were going to buy her "it belongs to a friend" story about the purse? What is WRONG with that girl?
* Lindsay Lohan. This girl is just a perpetual train wreck. She failed her drug test which now puts her in violation of her parole (and basically just threw yet another stint in rehab out the window.) Did she not see this coming when she decided to imbibe? I get so tired of hearing "It's a disease and it takes time ...." and that she's worried this might be damaging to her career. What career? About the only thing she's famous for these days is getting arrested and doing drugs.
* Randy Quaid gets arrested for living in the guest house of the place he used to own without the owner's permission? After getting arrested last year for refusing to pay up on a hotel bill (about $10,000 wasn't it?)
When I read this stuff (and this is just the headlines -- I'm sure you can tell from my lack of details that I don't delve too far into the articles ... ) my heart just wants to scream. These people have all been given privileges that most of us would give our wisdom teeth for. Who wouldn't like to have money be a non-issue, list shopping (and buying) as your favorite hobby, live in a home that someone else keeps clean and that's been professionally decorated, be able to travel and stay at the nicest places, get tickets to your favorite events and concerts, etc.
And yet it just seems that it's not enough. What a waste. What an abuse of privilege. What foolishness ...
I am so very happy to be just little 'ole me ... with bills to pay, windows that need drapes, and a car on its last legs. I'm blessed beyond measure to have a Lord and Savior who thinks I'm just perfect, a husband who adores me, and a family to love. You won't be seeing my name in the headlines anytime soon ... and I'm very thankful for it.
Enough said. Back to real life!
4 weeks ago
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