I'm gearing up for the weekend (well, not really ... I haven't given it much thought yet beyond tonight's dinner) and am SO looking forward to some time with my hubby. As I was sitting here I thought I'd share a few of the thoughts that are running through my mind at the moment.
1. I need to get out and take some pictures of the beautiful leaves. I'm so hoping the weather holds out and we can squeeze in some time for that over the next couple days.
2. I have great kids. I just talked to my southern boy and love that he called to get my thoughts on the direction he should have one of his projects go. Mom's opinion must still be worth something!
3. I am SO excited that southern boy and his sweeter-than-sweet-tea wife are coming to visit us -- in just 5 (FIVE!!!) days. FIVE days! YAY!!!
4. I really think it's time to either vacuum or move the vacuum cleaner back into the closet.
5. I totally think I'm going to get the fajita quesadillas at the Mexican restaurant hubby and I are trying out for dinner.
6. It's driving me nuts that I can't find a book that I'm almost CERTAIN I own. I can't imagine that it was a library book. But I can't find it anywhere. (Note to self: Remember when you couldn't find the Amy Grant CD? You were certain someone must have stolen it from your car? Almost bought a new one ... and then, lo and behold it showed up in the pantry between the pages of a cookbook? Yeah. Keep looking girl.)
7. I'm going to try making Apple Betty this weekend as a special treat.
8. I picked out a camera that I would LOVE to buy ... but it's way too expensive at the moment. Still, I'm going to print out a picture and put it on my wish board.
9. I'm making a WISH Board for inspiration!
10. I'm hoping that this is a lazy weekend filled with sleeping in, yummy breakfasts and a whole lot of yo-yo meals, some snuggling on the couch watching movies with popcorn ... with some time for exploring (with camera in hand!) and maybe a few little projects that I'd like to get done before the kids arrive on Wednesday.
Yep -- that was the two minute tour of what's rattling around in my head!
Sounds like you deserve the weekend you look forward to, Happy weekend!