Thursday, January 6, 2011

So Far, So Good ...

The new eating plan started on Monday and I'm happy to say that so far, so good! I've stuck with it, eaten only healthy food (no sugar!!!) in reasonable portions, reduced the amount of Diet Pepsi I normally drink (the goal there is to wean myself off it and I'm down to one bottle a day!)and I've exercised every day.

Whew! It might not seem like such a big deal but I've struggled with following this eating plan in the past. I think the difference now is I have the support AND partnership of my sweet husband! He's on board and the two of us are determined to be accountable to each other and do our best to take off excess weight.

We have some motivation -- we are planning a trip to Las Vegas in April and the friends we're going with have both recently lost weight and are encouraging us to do the same because they feel so great. And we would really like to be more active this summer -- we'd like to get back into biking and hiking. And this area is just perfect for kayaking, something we've both always wanted to try. However, none of these activities are much fun if you're overweight and don't have the fitness and stamina to keep going.

I'm working towards my career goals as well but am taking it slowly and trying to get the house organized a bit more. I've realized I need to get on a cleaning schedule as well so I have some planning ahead of me to figure out how to fit everything in.

It amazes me how much energy it takes to stay focused on eating right, making time for exercise, and planning it all. I'm hoping (seriously) that this gets easier and just becomes routine within a few weeks.

Off to chop veggies for tonight's stir fry!

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