Friday, January 21, 2011

Good Intentions ...

Been so long since I've had a chance to blog ... guess following through on my new year resolutions is taking more time than I thought it would. Change tends to do that.

I'm sticking with our new eating plan and am starting to see some pounds come off -- 3 to be exact. I know ... it doesn't sound like much (hubby has lost 10 already!) but I know myself and that weight doesn't release willingly from my body so I guess I should be thrilled with the progress. I am ... honestly ... I just wish it was more.

I'm proud to say that I'm still off sugar and dairy ... actually, we haven't had bread in this house for almost 3 weeks. We have realized that the best way to not be tempted to eat stuff we shouldn't is to not have it around! (Such a revelation I know!) So there just aren't any cookies or chips or ice cream or donuts in this house.

We haven't had beef in a couple weeks either. We are trying to drastically limit that and stick with chicken and turkey. Our latest food to go is potatos. We decided they are just too starchy and they're now on the "limited" list as well.

Let's see. I've tried a couple new soup recipes and had some success with that. Will post those soon.

Exercise! I'm sticking with it. Most days I get in a 2 mile DVD with Leslie Sansone. I'm planning to up that in the next week now that I'm pretty well "broken in" ... it's been a question of a time crunch as well. I'm trying to accomplish a lot of things in a limited number of hours each day. Let's face it -- it's not too hard to let exercise fall down a notch or two. LOL.

And I've kept very busy on my business project, hench the time crunch. I'm spending most of my time working on getting that ready to launch. It's taking me more time than I expected (I should know to always allow twice as much time as you think something will take!) and don't know if I'll make my self-imposed February 1st launch, but I've decided that it's just a target and the point is to get there. It's nice to have a goal date but the world won't end if I'm not quite ready at that point. I'm finding there is a lot more research that I need to do than I expected and well, I'd just rather do things right than try to fix things later.

The house is a mess and not really up to my standards (which aren't all that high to begin with!) and I sense that hubby is biting his tongue a bit about my projects being strewn all through the house. I'm trying to get organized as I work through all this. It's been a bit of a challenge trying to get organized and figure out where my best work station is going to be. I'm hoping that will just all kind of work itself out :)

Well, it's 1 a.m. and I think my pillow is calling to me. More updates soon.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Woo Hoo ... Down a Pound!

I know it's just one pound. And the first of many more that need to follow. But this first one is just so ... eeks! ... special!

I'm just saying.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Think I'll Let God Be God

It's always something isn't it? Right now we're trying to figure out what to do about our vehicle predicament. My husband's car has been acting up for a while now and an estimate at the service center told us it would need a new transmission to make it right again -- to the tune of $4950! When we consider that we know it's also likely to need a new fuel pump (about $1000) at some time in the not so distant future, it just doesn't make sense to sink the money into repairing it. After all, it's 7 years old (but only 120,000 miles -- not horrible by today's standards)

So -- we're down to one car at the moment. My car is simply too small for my husband to drive comfortably. He's a big guy! We're trying to decide if we should buy a new car for hubby and keep mine for me or trade mine in and get something bigger -- and go down to one car.

I'm not working so we could certainly get by with one vehicle. For the time being, my husband can manage driving my car (it's just not very comfortable for him.) If need be, I can drive him to work once a week so I can run errands. It would cut the cost of car insurance down and probably save us $$$ on gas as well.

Such a hard decision to make ... I've decided to put it in God's hands and pray for the right choice to become apparent. Maybe there's a jackpot in our future? LOL ... hey, you never know!

So Far, So Good ...

The new eating plan started on Monday and I'm happy to say that so far, so good! I've stuck with it, eaten only healthy food (no sugar!!!) in reasonable portions, reduced the amount of Diet Pepsi I normally drink (the goal there is to wean myself off it and I'm down to one bottle a day!)and I've exercised every day.

Whew! It might not seem like such a big deal but I've struggled with following this eating plan in the past. I think the difference now is I have the support AND partnership of my sweet husband! He's on board and the two of us are determined to be accountable to each other and do our best to take off excess weight.

We have some motivation -- we are planning a trip to Las Vegas in April and the friends we're going with have both recently lost weight and are encouraging us to do the same because they feel so great. And we would really like to be more active this summer -- we'd like to get back into biking and hiking. And this area is just perfect for kayaking, something we've both always wanted to try. However, none of these activities are much fun if you're overweight and don't have the fitness and stamina to keep going.

I'm working towards my career goals as well but am taking it slowly and trying to get the house organized a bit more. I've realized I need to get on a cleaning schedule as well so I have some planning ahead of me to figure out how to fit everything in.

It amazes me how much energy it takes to stay focused on eating right, making time for exercise, and planning it all. I'm hoping (seriously) that this gets easier and just becomes routine within a few weeks.

Off to chop veggies for tonight's stir fry!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ready, Set, GO!

It is Monday. It is the first Monday of the new year. And for the past couple of days I've been getting ready.

I am set.

And that means it's time to GO!

Yes, I have officially kicked off my new healthy eating plan and lifestyle. I'm excited -- in fact I woke up several times during the night thinking about it. I've been reading blogs and looking at recipes, I've been getting some needed motivation and pumping up my hubby to be excited about this too.

I got up and did a weigh in. Sigh. I reminded myself that I've got to start somewhere. And honestly? I'm down a few pounds from a week or so ago (although I don't know how it happened!) so I really can't complain. Still -- I have a long way to go.

I exercised this morning and on the Fast Walk with Leslie Sansone DVD she talked to a couple women who had lost a lot of weight -- one lost 65 pounds in 7 1/2 months. One lost 100 pounds ... the third had lost 110 (the first 100 in 9 months!) I know they weren't just exercising. They were making healthy food choices and most importantly -- they were sticking to it!

I came out in the kitchen and was pleased to find that their wasn't any bread. There weren't any cookies or potato chips in the pantry. The Christmas candy is gone (well -- there are a few pieces left in a box of Russell Stover's but I'm tossing them) and so are the bagels from the weekend.

There is no junk in the fridge. We have apples, oranges, and bananas. I just made a delicious green smoothie (banana, strawberries, blueberries, and spinach) that I'm drinking while I type this. But the big news is ...

I threw out an entire pan of brownies (and I didn't even sneak a taste before I dumped them in the garbage!)

Now that's progress.

I'm off to grab a shower and then cut up veggies and do some menu planning. I have a "to do" list a mile long that will hopefully keep me out of the kitchen but with the huge salad I'm planning for lunch, I don't think snacking is going to be a problem!

Be on the lookout for some of the new recipes I'm going to be trying and my weekly menu plans!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year, A Fresh Start

I love New Year's Day -- in fact I'd venture to say it's my favorite "holiday". As much as I love Thanksgiving and being with family and the reflection of all that we are blessed with and Christmas, with its emphasis on loving one another and giving, New Year is all about me.

Me, me, me!

While I'm joking about the selfish side of New Year, it actually is the self-help lover's day of renewal. A fresh start ... out with the old, in with the new. And I'm totally into that.

These days even though it's more fashionable NOT to make resolutions (probably because so few follow through) I really do have a lot of goals and aspirations for where I'd like to be at this time next year and let's face it, New Year's is as good a place to start as any.

So with that in mind, I've decided the main areas I'm choosing to focus on in 2011 are HEALTH and CAREER.

When it comes to health, I'm no different than most -- I want and need to lose weight. I want to bring my body back to a state of wellness and fitness. That's going to involve some major lifestyle changes. I've talked about it before on this blog but honestly haven't followed through as I'd like. As much as I'm inclined to, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. My intention is to simply let go of past mistakes and be serious about eating better, getting daily exercise, and taking better care of myself emotionally and mentally as well.

With that said, I'm not starting my "diet" today. I'm still in prep mode at this point. We just arrived home last night from a holiday with our family so I don't have the house stocked with healthy food (or purged of the unhealthy stuff!), meals have yet to be planned or recipes prepared, and the exercise room still needs to be put back together (after the water problems we had before we left.) So it will probably be a Monday, January 3rd start for us (hubby is joining me for the "Healthy in 2011" quest.) My goal for today and tomorrow is to just get ready for Monday!

My career goals are simple as well -- I intend to start an online business (or two, or maybe even three ...) After moving last year I felt as though I'd been given a second chance to think about what I wanted to be doing with my everyday life. My former career path kind of fell apart due to some health concerns and then with moving, I ended up leaving my "rebound" job as I like to think of it that I wasn't really crazy about to begin with.

That leaves me unemployed and at a crossroads. I can either look for a regular J-O-B or I can create my own. I'm leaning towards self-employment since the type of job I'm looking for is rather scarce these days (entry level, few skills required, high paying, and with a very flexible schedule ... yeah ... you don't find a lot of those jobs listed!)

AND -- I have always wanted to be my own boss. I know it probably sounds crazy since it's so much easier to let someone else worry about business details and just be the worker-bee that shows up every day, does whatever is on the daily slate, and has a dependable paycheck directly deposited into the bank every other week. But I've never been one to take the path of least resistance (darn it!)

Now that we're settled into our new house and I've run out of excuses for getting started (company, holidays, etc.) I do have a few areas I'd like to pursue. It's time to get serious about getting one of these business ideas off the ground. If one goes well, I'll expand to another. If the first doesn't pan out, I'll give the next idea a shot.

Either way, I'm going to focus on using my time wisely with prosperity in mind. Between getting healthy and focusing on building a business, I expect that 2011 is going to be VERY busy.

I like busy. I am good when I'm busy. I'm excited about being busy!

So here's to a very healthy and prosperous new year. For me. And I'm hoping for you too!