We've had a lot of company recently and while I love spending time with our friends and family, it can be a little stressful. I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds that when guests are visiting there is a need to be "on" all the time. And that means when the company leaves I'm not only sad to see them go, I'm exhausted. This time it's taken me almost a week to recover!
Anyway, after spending a couple days moping around I feel like I'm bouncing back. I'm diving into a few new projects and interests and I'm excited to be busy.
First -- I just picked up a book from the library that I've been dying to read. It's called Stay and it's written by Allie Larkin who hails from Rochester, New York (my hometown!) I'm told the book has many references to local landmarks (such as my beloved Wegmans) so I'm anticipating some snuggle time by the fire as I devour it.

Second -- I have a new crochet project that I'm very eager to start. My little William LOVES owls (as does his mommy) and I found this great pattern for an Owl Hat at RAKJ Patterns. I went to Michaels this afternoon and picked up all the yarn I'll need to whip it up. I can't wait to get started on it. I might even make a matching hat for his mommy :) All I need now are some measurements to make sure I'm making the right size.

Third -- I also just picked up Liberty! The American Revolution (it's a PBS Video Series DVD set) that we're really looking forward to watching. We've been doing so much exploring of historical sites here in Massachusetts lately that it's piqued my interest in learning more. We've watched a few documentaries on George Washington and Concord, and now I'm hoping this series will kind of tie it all together for us. Very excited about that! (and especially that I was able to get it through our wonderful library system here and didn't have to buy it!)

Well -- that's it for the moment. I'm looking forward to a fun weekend that will start tomorrow when I meet my friend Kay (we went to college together and happily ended up living in the same neck of the woods after all these years!) for lunch.
Things are looking up.
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