It's been wonderful -- despite a plumbing problem last Sunday morning that left us with water pouring through our first floor bathroom ceiling and, subsequently, some frayed nerves as we waited for the plumbers to arrive with the builder on Monday morning (at 7:20 a.m. no less!) All is well now -- there are repairs still to be done and it will mean having someone in to re-paint but the pipes were good to go before the next round of guests arrived.
Yesterday we spent another day in Boston and visited Quincy Market again. We love it there and it's always fun to go. We went to Dick's Last Resort for lunch and were properly insulted.
And we watched as workmen started putting up the Christmas decorations.
This included a 70 foot tall tree brought in from Nova Scotia. Fascinating to watch that going up and a worker climbing up the boughs and cutting the ropes that kept it all pulled together -- and then watching them fall into place. We're hoping to go next week for the lighting of the tree (we hear the Celtics and some of the Patriots are going to be there so it might be fun) so I'll hold off with pictures until then.
Today is an early Thanksgiving dinner. I was up early getting the stuffing made and the turkey in the oven. We're planning for an early dinner and then a trip into Natick Mall so William can cruise the aisles at Toys R Us and give Grandma and Grandpa lots of fun ideas for gifts!
I love having friends and family visit ... but I'm looking forward to getting back to eating healthy and spending some time with Dave and the pups. We are hoping to decorate the house a bit (we didn't even put a tree up last year as we were trying to get ready to move) and we'd like to see what festivities are going on around us that we can enjoy.
For now, I'm off to enjoy some time with my sweet grandson ...
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