Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Introducing -- David

otherwise known as the love of my life. Yes, my sweet husband.

We met while I was still in high school and married shortly after I graduated. We'll be celebrating our 31st anniversary in a couple weeks. It seems hard to believe that we've been together this long ... time has surely flown by! But then again, sometimes I feel like we've only just begun {insert strains of Karen Carpenter's beautiful voice singing that memorable wedding song here ...}

We've shared a lot of living together -- we've enjoyed our life in 3 different houses and now find ourselves starting over again in a whole different state, we've raised 3 children and now are so very happy to also include two daughters-in-law and a grandchild to our family, we've said goodbye to our fathers, lived through job changes ... the list is endless. But I can't help but think there's a whole lot more ahead of us.
"Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be ..."  -- Robert Browning
Such sweet words to my ears. I'm certainly praying for many more years together!

So -- when I mention my sweetheart, hubby, husband, David Darling, or Dave ... this is the wonderful guy I'm talking about. I thank God for him every day of my life.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to meet your sweetheart and life partner. I pray you have many long years together.
